Monday, 18 March 2013

File Extensions in Linux

Understanding File Extensions in Linux
Extensions are file name suffixes that start with a period. Usually, they are two or three letters long. 

Linux can read many file extensions used by other platforms, such as 

jpg for a graphic file, or .html for a web file. It can also use 
them for mime types. However, Linux does not always use extensions to identify file types. 

Often, the directory where a file is placed is a better indication of what type of file it is. 

However, Linux does use a few regular extensions.
Extensions Used in Linux
   Extension                                                  File Type
.bz2A file compressed using bzip2 .
.cA file written in the C programming language.
.confconfiguration file. In some cases, "conf" is used in a file name, but not as an extension.
.debA Debian package for installing software.
.locklock file that prevents the use of another file.
.rpmA Red Hat package file. Although you can sometimes use .rpm s in Debian, doing so can have unexpected results and is not generally recommended. You can also convert packages using the alien utility .
.soA shared object (a library or module).
.srcA source code file. Written in plain text, a source file must be compiled to be used.
.tarA single file made of a collection of files archived using the tar command.
.tar.gzA single file made of a collection of files archived using the tar command, then compressed used the gzip command.
.tgzA single file made of a collection of files archived using the tar command, then compressed used the gzip command.
.gzA file compressed using the gzip command.
.txta plain ASCII text file
.psa PostScript file; formatted for printing
.auan audio file
.wavan audio file
.xpman image file
.jpga graphical or image file, such as a photo or artwork
.gifa graphical or image file
.pdfan electronic image of a document
.aan archive file
.ha C or C++ program language header file
.cppa C++ program language source code file
.oa program object file
.phpa PHP Script
.shShell Script
.pnga graphical or image file
.tcla TCL script
.plPerl script
.html/.htman HTML file

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